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Jun 29, 2013

Posted by Unknown
No comments | 5:57 AM

In the last lesson we learned about how to make a connection to mysql database. To create either database or table first we need to make a connection to the database server.

Please read last post if you don't know how to create the connection to mysql server.

Creating  a Database

We have to use new method to execute sql queries.
mysql_query(connection,sql query sting)
  • connection- return value of mysql_connect() function
  • Sql query string - sql query that you need to execute

mysql_query() function returns a Boolean value if query execute successfully it will return true value else false value. Lets look at the code

//make connection
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","123");
//check connection
die('Could not connect to the database:'.mysql_error());
//making sql query string
$sql="CREATE DATABASE my_database";

//Execute the mysql query and check is execution process is succeeded
echo "Database Created..!";
echo "Error occurred while creating database :".mysql_error($con); 

//close connection

Creating a table

Difference between creating table and database is just sql query sting value and you have to select database to create table using mysql_select_db() function. lets make simple code..

//make connection
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","123");
//check connection
die('Could not connect to the database:'.mysql_error());

//select database
die('Could not connect to the database:'.mysql_error());

//making sql query string
$sql="CREATE TABLE my_table(name varchar(10),phone int)";

//Execute the mysql query and check is execution process is succeeded
echo "Table Created..!";
echo "Error occurred while creating table :".mysql_error($con); 

//close connection

Try to make your own database and create some simple tables using it. in next post i will explain how to insert data using php..



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